We capture carbon & fight ocean acidification.

Our Projects

Rapidly deploying ocean-based carbon removal means implementing stewardship at scale.

Each site creates jobs for the community. Reinjecting revenue into the local economy.

  • Objective

    A Carbon Negative Species.

  • Method

    We use a wave-powered reactor to accelerate the natural weathering of the most common minerals in the Earth’s crust. The reaction captures atmospheric CO2 and locks it away into seawater for thousands of years in the form of carbonate and bicarbonate. The carbonate products deacidify the local marine enviornment.

  • Assumptions

    We assume any carbon capture solutions that are going to be successful must

    • Be verifiable and measurable

    • Cost less than $30/ton

    • Feasibly scale to 2% of current global emissions.

    • Sequester CO2 for 1000+ years

    • Reversible and can be stopped at any time without permanent damage to the surrounding environment

  • Results

    As a result, we use renewable energy to deacidify the ocean with the products of captured greenhouse gas.

We Believe in


First Principles

Even at a ginormous scale, current solutions can not extract a single CO2 molecule out of the atmosphere without using more energy than it took to produce the molecule. The solution with the lowest metabolic investment will be the only solution that can succeed in a for-profit environment.  

Carbon Economy is Here

In the next 10 years carbon taxes, total net value, and carbon-negative initiatives will go from shotgun to the driver’s seat in political reform. Helping companies avoid penalties and taxation without disrupting their core operations will be a trillion-dollar industry.

We are “They”

We hear loved ones say it all the time, “They should do something about this.” Unfortunately, there is no league of heroes who are going to get around to this global problem. At Skyology we are “they”. The buck stops here, with us. If carbon negative is possible in an industrial world, we are the ones who will do it.

Competitor in the $100M Xprize Carbon Removal

Our Partners